Introduction Course 1.2
Introduction course to 3D printing
This course will help you get started with 3D printing. It will cover the basics of 3D printing and shows you the workings of you printer.
Leapfrog Instructor
1.01 Introduction
1.02 What is 3D printing?
1.03 3D Printing process
1.04 3D Print requirements
1.05 3D Printer properties
1.06 Test your knowlegde!
1.07 Material basics
1.08 CAD to .stl
1.09 .stl to G-code
1.10 3D workflow
1.11 Test your knowlegde!
1.12 3D Printing benefits
1.13 3D Printing applications
1.14 Test your knowlegde!
1.15 Debrief
2.01 Introduction
2.02 General 3D printer build
2.03 How FFF 3D printing works
2.04 Print head
2.05 Filament guidance
2.06 Print bed
2.07 Leapfrog Creatr HS
2.08 Leapfrog Creatr HS Parts
2.09 Leapfrog Bolt
2.10 Leapfrog Bolt Parts
2.11 Test your knowlegde!
2.12 Debrief
3.01 Introduction
3.02 Supports
3.03 Break away support
3.04 Soluble support
3.05 Rafts
3.06 Skirts
3.07 Brims
3.08 Test your knowlegde!
3.09 Contours
3.10 Up and downskin
3.11 Infill
3.12 Layer height
3.13 Speed versus quality
3.14 Test your knowledge!
3.15 Debrief
4.01 Introduction
4.02 Overhang
4.03 Wall-thickness
4.04 Test your knowledge
4.05 Size
4.06 Resolution
4.07 Material
4.08 Test your knowledge
4.09 Debrief
5.01 Introduction
5.02 Printing requirements
5.03 Idea
5.04 3D model
5.05 STL
5.06 Material
5.07 Test your knowledge
5.08 Debrief
6.01 Introduction
6.02 Software Overview
6.03 Printer and File Selection
6.04 Print Position
6.05 Update Profiles
6.06 Print Profiles
6.07 Profile Settings
6.08 Export G code
6.09 Debrief
7.01 Introduction
7.02 Heating printer
7.03 Loading new filament - Creatr HS
7.04 Loading filament - Bolt
7.05 Loading filament video
7.06 First layer
7.07 Bed Calibration
7.08 Calibrating your print bed
7.09 Calibrating your print bed video
7.10 Start printing
7.11 Start printing video
7.12 Checking during printing
7.13 Removing your print
7.14 Debrief
8.01 Introduction
8.02 Swap Filament
8.03 Bed Condition
8.04 Print Sticker Maintenance
8.05 Cleaning print bed
8.06 Placing New Print Sticker
8.07 Debrief
9.01 Introduction
9.02 Leapfrog Support Center
9.03 Debrief